Let’s make it simple.

Your name and contact/address information will be used to process and fulfill orders. If you place and order and opt in to our newsletter, we may occasionally email you with news, offers, and other stuff you usually see in marketing emails from either AllTheRavens.com or PhillipGinn.com. We won’t email you often. Promise.

You should also receive emails regarding the status and fulfillment of your order. If you do not receive these emails, please let us know. They’re pretty important. Everyone deserves a receipt.

We won’t sell or give away your personal information. That would be a horrible thing to do. However, should the fuzz or the feds (ie. law enforcement) issue a court order for your information, we’ll probably have to comply.

Other than that, we want to keep things as simple, cordial, and private as possible. Everyone needs their privacy, especially in this day and age. If you ever feel we’ve disrespected or violated your privacy, contact us so we can address it.